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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Chynge o plan wi Rossies 2, new feature, an' leuk, it's snawin!

A knaw, A knaw, "Ye ayeways chynge something aboot Rossies 2, whan is it actually commin oot?!" Weil, it's na a big chynge, weil, na wi Rossies 2 onieway.

A'm renamin it tae "Rossies Classic", youse micht be thinkin "Why are ye cawin it that? There's na sequel or oniethig", weil, that's wis whit I wantit tae talk aboot.

A'm anoouncin a new gemme, it'll be cawed "Rossies 3D", it will be a First-Person-Shuiter! It'll be mad uisin the "Unity" gemme engine!

"Are youse gaun-ae leave us in the daurk like youse did wi Rossies 2!?", na, A'll try no tae dae that this time aroond, in fact, A've got a pictur o the Kruncanite that is gaun'ae be in the gemme, hiv a leuk!

A haed an ettle at giein it the "retro" leuk, an' the "Toon-Shadin", an' it turnt oot tae be better than A howpt! Whit dae ye guys think?

In ither news, I hiv a new feature tae pit intae Rossies 3D an' Classic, so gin oniebody steals this idea, ye read it here first!

The gemmes will be available in the Scots, Inglis, Spanyie an' Italian leids, houever, ye can add yer ain! If ye hiv a mate who ainly knaws, for example, the Scots gaelic tounge, and wants tae play ane o wir games, ye can pit it intae Gaelic for him/her!

The procedure wilna be hard, houever, A hivana gotten aroond tae addin the feature juist yet, ance A dae, A will mak a video shawin youse hou tae dae it.

Ane last thing, gin ye hiva noticet, it's snawin! Again!

That's aw A hiv for the nou, I howp maist o youse are happy aboot the guid news!


Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Gamerstorm website will be made available in a new language! Also, Happy Halloween!

Since we haven't updated our site in a while and that right now, we have nothing worth posting, I'm going to do a side project for the website, I am going to make a Scots version of it! Just because I can, really! The internet needs more website in Scots, anyway! This also means our games will also be available in Scots, badly translated by myself!

Also with every post I'll put on Facebook, I will put a Scots version of the summary underneath the English one, similar to how the Barcelona page put their summaries in Catalan and Spanish!

I am not by any means a fluent speaker, but as a Scotsman, I know quite a bit of it, and since I'm getting a wee bit tired of starting at the Scots Wikipedia and Wikionary websites, I wanted to practice my not-previously-known (limited) ability to speak/write and understand this language. I may also get Steven, a fellow admin, to help out on this project, as he too is Scottish and knows a bit of Scots.

So yeah, we'll see how that goes, and I hope Scots speakers approve once it's done. If anyone know Scots better than us and has suggestion to improve anything, feel free to contact us, we won't bite! Well, I might!

Also, happy Halloween everybody! Unfortunately, I've been too busy with Rossies 2 to celebrate the occasion...
